QS Senior Edition
(Excerpts from the May 31, 1968 Senior Quaker Shaker edition - We are mighty, we are great, we're the class of '68)
Larry Cohen, Valedictorian; Linda Hayden, Salutatorian
Larry Cohen, because of his outstanding academic record, has been named valedictorian of this year's Senior class.
Larry plans to attend Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana where he will study science and social studies. He has been named the winner of an Honorary Scholarship to Wabash. Larry will also receive the Honor Society's award given to the student with the highest average in Mathematics. Last year he received the VFW Award given to the highest ranking Junior boy.
Being named saluatorian of her Senior class is the crowning event of Linda Hayden's active PHS career.
Most students know Linda as a Varsity Cheerleader because she has occupied that position for two years and was a BTeam cheerleader during her sophomore year. She was also selected as Mid-State Track Queen this year. She serves as President of Latin Club, is Secretary of her senior class as well as a member of Honor Society. She received the physical fitness award during the Junior Miss pageant.
Linda plans to attend Indiana University in Bloomington to study medicine and later hopes to specialize in orthopedics. She has been awarded a scholarship by the University Commission on Scholarships and Financial Aids.
College Bound Seniors
John Anderson - ISU; Doug Armantrout - ISU; Carla Baudoin - Porter Business College; Betsy Bayles - IU; Dee Bell - IU; Robb Bingham - Purdue; Jim Boesch - Vincennes; Judy Brown - U of Evansville; Sylvia Brown - IU; George Bowman - Wentworth Military Academy; Mike Burns - ISU; Mike Carder - Wentworth Military Academy; Becky Carter - Beauty School; Don Casselman - IU; Larry Cohen - Wabash; Rick Coleman - Vincennes; John Corcoran - ISU; Rob Colter - Purdue; Robert Cushman - Purdue; Cathy DeLong - Olivet Nazarene College; Ann Dohogne - IU; Jeff Etchason - IU; Karen Everhart - Business school; Jim Exner - ISU; Marvin Fischer - Arizona State; Janet Fisher - Ball State; Nick Fowler - Purdue; Karleen Frakes - Wheaton; Becky Frederick - IU; Dan Frye - Purdue; Kathy Gabosch - Arizona State; Bruce Gaskins- IU; Larry Doty - Vocational School; Chris Gentry - IU; Rhea Gentry - Butler; Nancy Goodman - IU; Bob Gootee - ISU; Paul Grosskreutz - Rose Poly; Mike Gumm - Howard Sams; Cheryl Hadley - Purdue; John Hall - ISU; Kay Harmon - BSU; Linda Hayden - IU; Sharon Hensilwood - IU; Barb Hiser - IU; Fred Hobbs - IU; Keith Hochreiter - IU; Vicky Honey - Indiana Business College; Martin Hughey - IU; Lyle Hunnicutt - BSU; Jeff Jenkel - Purdue; Judy Johnson - ISU; Eugene Jones - Purdue; Bruce Jordan - IU; Janice Kelly - Indiana Central Business College; Steve Kelly - ISU; Allan Knoll - Purdue; Janet Krampe - IU; Gary Lantz - BSU; Dave Laughlin - Harper College of Chicago; Linda Lazier - BSU; Frank Litherland - Purdue; Dave McCammack - DePauw; Elaine McFall - Speedway Academy of Cosmetology; Mary McMartin - BSU; Rachel Maxwell - Wheaton; Mary Merrell - ISU; Jane Marshall - BSU; Joy Moore - Porter Business College; Melody Nedrud - IU; Charlie Nelson - IU; Diane Patterson - BSU; Dave Petty - IU; Gay Pilcher - Normal College; Karen Prentice - BSU; Doug Putman - IU; Kathy Robbins - Milligan; Vickie Polson - Indiana Central Business College; Gregg Rogers - IU; Dan Root - Purdue; Bob Russell -IU; Stan Walton - ISU; Junior Rose - Purdue; Doug Speth - Colorado School of Trades; Florence Wilson - Purdue; Roland Schinbeckler - DePauw; Randy Sims - ISU; Bill Smith - BSU; Jack Skaggs - United Electronics Institute; Steve Shumaker - ISU; Danny Slaton - IU; Bob Stayte - Purdue; Tina Stapf - Purdue; Eddie Stockton - ISU; Susie Sutherlin - Purdue; Keith Trent - Purdue; Chuck Trowbridge - ISU; Linda Varvil - ISU; Raymond Veith - IU; Denise Vogel - IU; Ernie Ward - United Electronics Institute; Charles Welker - ISU; Denny Wells - Miami University; Carol Wendt - IU; Dan White - Purdue; Donna White - Anderson; Dale Young - Purdue.
"OFF we go..."
For a few Senior boys at PHS this summer means entrance into the armed force. Dale Blackwell will report to Camp Pendleton, the US Marine Corps base at San Diego, CA in August. While in the Marines, Dale will volunteer for training in Path Finders, a group concerned with reconnaissance. Tom Johnson and Paul DeLois will report to Lacland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas in June. Tom will volunteer for the CCT, Combat Control Team, whose function is to parachute in before the regular troops to assure a safe landing for them. Paul will volunteer for training in helicopter repair and maintenance. Dale, Tom and Paul will be on active duty for four years.
Seniors, Do You Remember
When Fred Hobbs got a "D" in citizenship for spilling ink in Miss Dunn's class? Boys in Mr. Jarrett's 6th grade class, do you remember Sean Johnson? When Roland Schinbeckler spiked the coffee in "Room for the Groom"? When Doug Putman wore different colored socks in grade school? When Chris Gentry loved to play 'peaches and daddykins"? When Bill Smith, Charlie Nelson, Becky Frederick and Betsy Balyles went on a hike (?) on trail No. 8 at Raccoon Lake? When Karleen Frakes, Judy Brown, Nancy Goodman and several other girls played horse during recess? When Raymond Veith fell off the rope in the top of the gym during phys ed? When the Senior boys looked at the other boys who smoked and thought they were hoodlums. Who are hoodlums now? When Barb Hiser's hair caught on fire in Chemistry class? When Max Park fell over in his chair in 8th grade? When Don Casselman pulled the piano bench from underneath Miss Quick? When the policemen in "Carousel" threw Billy (Keith) nearly onto the floor?
Snicker, Tee-Hee, etc.
Our funniest events according to us, Seniors '68 -(since wills became outlawed) - oh well, someday we'll change the world, won't we. Keith Hochreiter, who used to want to do away with girls.
Now then, mightn't we start with when John A. got sprayed by a skunk and insisted on sharing his scented trench coat with the history class of Mr. Loyal, who brought forth the question of what was dead??...hop over to Mr. Loy's Study Hall - and why can't some Senior guys agree upon the dates of November 4 and December 23? I dare anyone to ask Carol Wendt why she thinks that blonds have more fun because they're easier to find in the dark. Did Doug Armantrout ever really win a malt from Mr. Taylor for keeping quiet the whole period (he said so) - and why was the alert on Gumby's house last Halloween--really, who would believe that the Kentucky Colonel, a dandelion, and a hag from Jane Eyre toilet papered the house for a week, by the way, Dee Bell, you dropped your bowling ball where - which brings to mind Thursday night terrorizing-(gas masks?)-but it wasn't on a Thursday that a bunch of old maid Senior girls disguised themselves in Dwight Edwards voice and stuck hot dogs on float burner's antennae-is that what Marvin Fischer meant about the hilarity of throwing hay at a bunch of old church people? Which brings to mind the day Mike Carder ran into his own car, or the woman's housing John Corcoran applied for. Anyhow, we can forget all that and remember Lit 12 and Mrs. Slaton 4th period? - and then there's the time Ric Bringegar was acting like a rabbit (tell us, Sharon) - and of course, essential math. Which brings to mind the dinner Home Ec 4 made, and when Florence Wilson was swinging her arms in Comp and Jr Rose walked into them. (Should've taken ballet) Danny Slaton agrees with himself that his funniest event was Coach Newton saying "We're taking the State in '68, but who could forget the floor of French class? If only it were 11:32, and Hobbs could mosey past lit. Why even mention the day F.H. (Come on now, Jim Swift, we know that's John Hall), fell into the toilet while trying to see a bulldozer out the b.r. window. Ah! Our Senior float, and the shaft of it all !!! Hey, who was it anyway, that thought the funniest thing of their senior year was coming to school? Does Ernie want us to mention the raccoon after the pep session? Oh well, Who said Rog rubs light switches?? And then when Debbie Goen lit her bunsen burner for the first time and singed the ceiling. Chemistry experiments do further knowledge. Charles Welker says you don't really have banana eating contests at lunch ! Which brings to mind the pep (..) rally before the sectionals when our very own guys imitated teachers. Linda seeing Avon beaten wasn't really funny, or was it? We must add that two votes for humor go to Jane M. and Paul DeLois for being removed from Govt. What painted ticket booth and ripped lip? Yeah, Barb, it is pretty funny taking school seriously --(just go along with her).
And to summarize the responses from the questionnaires, we have the quote (to the question, what is the funniest event of your Sen. year?..."I don't know when or what but it must have been in either Govt.or Econ."
To Juniors and Sophomores
We, Seniors, do leave these words, of solemn farewell to underclassmen: Good-bye: Suffer !!: Hang it in your ear: Hope the gym leaks: Eat, drink and be merry because next year you are going to graduate: Good luck in sports: Vote for McCarthy: Hope you all get Reichel for something or other: Hope the parking lot gets worse: Eat your heart out: Keep the faith, baby!: Have a broad outlook on life: You're so cute, you little chick-a-dees: and HELL'S BELLS !!!