Classmate Chatter


Forum: Losing the Float Competition


Float themes

Created on: 01/13/13 06:27 AM Views: 2972 Replies: 3
Float themes
Posted Sunday, January 13, 2013 06:27 AM

How could we have come in 3rd place all three years with these creative themes:

Sophomore year - "De-Feet 'em"  The yearbook post for this float says that is was constructed in a very unique way.  Not sure that was a compliment.

Junior year - "Confucious say Junk -Em".  I thought those blue Kleenex were pretty creative. 

Senior year - "Let's get down to earth and start Martian to a victory"  At least the yearbook called this an out-of-this-world idea even if we did come in third - again.

RE: Float themes
Posted Sunday, January 13, 2013 04:32 PM

As I remember there were "Float Burning Parties."  We couldn't get ours to the bonfire fast enough.

Charlie Nelson

RE: Float themes
Posted Monday, February 11, 2013 01:51 PM

Finishing 3rd every year was certainly not do to the lack of effort from Paul Grosskreutz who always seemed to get stuck with being chief design engineer.  I do recall the class of '67 putting their float, which i believe was an airplane, on top of the school.       

RE: Float themes
Posted Saturday, May 18, 2013 01:30 PM

I just found out that the classes still build floats with those tissue flowers as part of their Homecoming activities.  So here is our chance to enter another contest 45 years later.  Paul Grosskreutz we need you, a theme and lots of those tissue flowers.  Who knows, we just might win !!!!